Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Long Overdue Update:

Here are some of the things I have been working on: (There is also a final Studio Book project in the works and it will be posted when it is closer to being finished as I have to post pages individually.

This Threadless Shirt/Print design mocks all the various cliches in graphic design imagery. Please vote 5 if you have not already!

This is a new shirt design for Threadless.com. It is for their "Threadless Loves Horror Theme". Please vote "5" for it in a few days when it is up for voting (I will post when it is time)

This was our most "weighted" (grade-wise) project for Imaging. It is a composition (collage) that describes a certain event in history through various perspectives. This file ended up having over 50 layers in Photoshop and was a beast to render down to JPEG format even.

This is an initial iteration for our final typography project, using only text to make a graphic composition relating to a classmate's inanimate object they had written a 300-400 word copy about.