Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Go Vote 5 for Boo BEES!

My Threadless.com Submission

2 Weeks of Work.

The two concept maps were for studio class. I drew "credit card" randomly as my subject. 
(20 X 30)

The two political posters were submitted to Atlantis, the creative magazine of UNCW. The project was a call for submissions asking for a recipe for something other than food. (8.5 X 11)



Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Boo BEES on the way!

The Boo BEE t-shirt has been submitted to Threadless.com and will be ready for voting sometime this week.

This concept was based on an Illustrator piece posted here a couple weeks ago.

I will let you all know when if it up for real. This is the link:


Monday, September 15, 2008

More Blade Communications Logo Concepts (B)

More Blade Communications Logo Concepts

Logo Concepts

Work in progress to be used possibly as a logo for "Blade Communications". These are simply different spot color iterations.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fun with Puns

Check it: This has nothing to do with an actual project... Cheers!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Project Two: 

Typeface design. The Catch: We are allowed to use circles, squares or lines of equal length/weight but NOT a combination of the three. We were assigned two words that our respective fonts were to be based upon. I got AGITATION and SPONTANEOUS. Here is what agitation is shaping up to be. Stay tuned for spontaneous!   respect.

Type 1 Assignments

The new year is off and rolling.

As a rule, I will only post the "cool" projects. So without further ado, here is the first assignment (completed) and the second (in progress).

Project One: Our team of four was told to find a "minimalist" alphabet in our surroundings. With our powers combined, this was the product.