Monday, March 31, 2008

Pictures (finished gameboard / cards)

All done (almost) !

Betsy and I put a lot of work in this weekend and it payed off. Our re-designed cards are printed and cut and our boards are assembeled (after having been laser cut). All we have left to do is take pictures and pop them into the instruction booklet. Hopefully that won't take long.

This is looking to be the best project I've but together since being here, I'm actually rather excited (and I think my partner is too).

Hooray Productivity! Respect.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Board ready to burn.

Okay... It's late. We're sleepy. We have a game board ready to be laser cut. Design hangover is inevitable...


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Late Night

Betsy and I have been been grindin' it out all night on these old ass computers. This game is looking pretty good. There will be screenshots tomorrow (and hopefully some photos too)


Sunday, March 23, 2008


We are working on the instructions layout. We need some time in the photo studio and the other instructions in the right text format, however, to finish it up.

No real issues, however, other than NC State's archaic print servers.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Check this out.

This game will be "sinfully" good.


Line of Fire

Our game is called "Line of Fire". It is the hotness (no pun intended). Our cards are ready and the logo is ready to go.
Respect it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Storyboarding Complete

The scent of sharpie is in the air in Leazar Hall... We finished this junk... on to bigger and better things... like taking pictures!


Our game will be the best. La la la la la.

Pics on the way. Respect

Monday, March 17, 2008

Yo tengo un companero.

Betsy and I are about to tear this game that we are supposed to make with our lettering to pieces. Stay tuned...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Modular Type Complete!

Well, instead of making a quarter circle for each individual corner of this type I decided to use duplication and rotation. Not surprisingly, this sped up the process a great bit. A, B and C of the typecafe do exist. They're just on the school server...

Pixel Type Finished!

I thought about scanning these but realized how much easier it would just be to remake the letters in InDesign. Scanning takes forever and, in my opinion, is completely unnecessary when dealing with square objects. This didn't take too long, lets see about the modular letters.

Friday, March 14, 2008

The first project of the first GD class.

Well... this was somewhat to be expected. The first project in graphic design involves typography. VERY basic typography (pixel. grid lettering to be exact). This will eventually be used for a card game.