Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hey Guys!!

Wanna see my REAL website/blog?


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hello Again

Apparently I have to start caring about this blog again.
I have a new, improved (and personally) designed one in the works.
Go check that one out.

Check it!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Long Time Coming!

Here are my three more recent pieces! For further description (as well as the rest of my work in portfolio form) please visit :


Monday, January 12, 2009

New Semester.

Hello one and all.

A new semester is underway, which means new projects.

Update coming soon. Respect.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Long Overdue Update:

Here are some of the things I have been working on: (There is also a final Studio Book project in the works and it will be posted when it is closer to being finished as I have to post pages individually.

This Threadless Shirt/Print design mocks all the various cliches in graphic design imagery. Please vote 5 if you have not already!

This is a new shirt design for It is for their "Threadless Loves Horror Theme". Please vote "5" for it in a few days when it is up for voting (I will post when it is time)

This was our most "weighted" (grade-wise) project for Imaging. It is a composition (collage) that describes a certain event in history through various perspectives. This file ended up having over 50 layers in Photoshop and was a beast to render down to JPEG format even.

This is an initial iteration for our final typography project, using only text to make a graphic composition relating to a classmate's inanimate object they had written a 300-400 word copy about.

Friday, October 24, 2008

New Threadless Shirt Idea

Check it!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Joe Biden

I saw the man today at Meredith College. Might I say; he sure does know how to rile up a crowd! I love the attitude! 10 day until the election! - Respect! (I got close enough to take this picture!)

Typography posters.

These three spot color posters are supposed to graphically (through letterform) portray the quote they spell out through various typographic themes. Quote courtesy of - Respect.

Credit Card Posters

These posters were designed for a bus terminal. They are meant to inspire thought about debt and the "American Way" of spending. Respect.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Democratic Fun

Went to the Obama rally this weekend in Asheville. Holy Cow! That was impressive! There were probably 20,000 people packed into the Asheville High Memorial Stadium. I love this guy. (Did a little design just for humor's sake also). RESPECT.

(visit if you would like to buy a t-shirt or bumper sticker)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Timeline Finished

The Credit Card History Timeline is FINISHED! I'm going home this weekend to see Barack Obama and Tiana (two of my favorite people) RESPECT!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Timeline Progress

Continuing on the credit card concept. Here is the next assignment (in progress). A timeline. Respect.